Yakult / Branded Content / Swim With Jazz

How do you utilise British Olympic swimmer and brand ambassador Jazz Carlin on social media to communicate to consumers that Yakult is made with science, not magic?

By using the science of swimming to help save lives and creating a bit of magic in the process.
In England, 1 in 5 adults can't swim (that's nine million people!). And every year, hundreds of people die as a result of accidental drowning. So, we got Jazz Carlin to front a nationwide campaign to get adults back in the pool and, potentially, help save lives. We campaigned for 4 non-swimmers to sign up to a 4 week course to learn how to swim with help and additional mentoring from our very own Olympic Swimmer.
The results were as emotional as they were inspirational.

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A website was set up where potential participants could apply and video updates could be posted.


Social Media
Jazz kicked off the campaign on social media by appealing for 4, brave, non-swimmers to some forward and participate in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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The challenge
We documented the shortlisted participants emotional journey from their first time in the pool with Jazz and the swimming tutors to completing a set of swimming challenges four weeks later.

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Swim Bites
Alongside the journey of our 4 participants we engaged non-swimmers in the general public with regular 'Swim Bites' online and on social media with tips and techniques for different swimming skills from Jazz herself.

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Role: Art Director

Agency: Elvis Communications

Copywriter: Roz Waud

Creative Director: Neale Horrigan

Additional Creatives: Tamsin Windsor