Tassimo / Social Campaign / Baileys Launch

How do you launch Tassimo's new 'guest brand' Baileys on social media in a way that entices people to try it for themselves?

By letting people know that, thanks to the added ease and simplicity of Tassimo, they can now indulge themselves in the decadent taste of Baileys anytime, anywhere. Lovely!

Indulging in success

This launch post received an unprecedented 1,200 likes and 175 shares on facebook within days of launch (most of which was organic), making it one of Tassimo's most successful social posts to date.

Role: Art Director and Copywriter

Agency: Elvis Communications

Creative Director: Neale Horrigan

Additional Creatives: Tamsin Windsor (Copywriter)

Design Director: Chris Dorn

Tassimo / Social Campaign / Valentine's Day

How do you generate brand love for Tassimo T DISCs from people who received Tassimo machines at Christmas?

By letting them know that they can find their perfect match every time with the variety, ease and simplicity that Tassimo offers.

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Role: Art Director

Agency: Elvis Communications

Copywriter: Roz Waud

Creative Director: Neale Horrigan

Additional Creatives: Bill Hibbins (Art Director) and Elli Stone (Copywriter)

Design Director: Chris Dorn