Chaucer / Experiential / We Find A Way… Can You?

How do you make brokers in the city aware of the expertise of Chaucer Insurance Group in a fun and memorable way?

By creating the Chaucer Maze: An activation at the base of Lloyd’s Building that challenged brokers knowledge, memory and speed. All the attributes that Chaucer’s insurance experts have in abundance.


We ran the Chaucer Maze activation for two days at the foot of Lloyd’s building where we knew most of our target demographic would be.

Part 1: Knowledge

The first part of the challenge was to answer three insurance-based, multiple-choice questions to showcase Chaucer experts knowledge and give participants the best chance in the next two parts of the challenge. For every question participants correctly answered a square was removed from their path through the maze. Meaning the more questions you got right, the less you had to remember. If they answered no questions correctly, then they had to remember 15 squares. If they answered one, they had to remember 14. Two and they had to remember 13 and if they got all three questions right they only had to remember 12 squares.

Part 2: Memory

The second part of the challenge involved being shown a unique path in blue to each player for every game. This stayed visible for three seconds and then disappeared. The challenge was for participants to memorise their bespoke path through the maze.

This demonstrated how Chaucer’s insurance experts use huge knowledge retention to help find their way through the most difficult of outcome based risk assessments.

Part 3: Speed

The third and final part of the challenge involved participants trying to accurately make their way through the maze stepping on only the squares shown to them at the start as quickly as they can. If they stepped on a correct square it turned green. If they stepped on an incorrect square it turned red. If they hot three red squares then the game was over and they had to try again.

This demonstrated how Chaucer’s experts need to act fast based on the information given to them and not put a foot wrong to ensure the best outcome for their clients.


To help incentivise participation and appeal to our target demographics competitive nature, we created a leaderboard to highlight the quickest participants through the maze. We even enabled them to state which company they worked for to create an even more tribal mentality. And we further incentivised participation with the prize of a weekend away in Venice for the quickest participant over the entire activation.

Not only did the activation pull in active participants but it also drew large crowds of observers too – The activation providing a challenge for those taking part and entertainment for everyone else.

Of course, participants got a real buzz from completing the maze and making the leaderboard meaning more brand affinity and memorability.

Not only that, but every participant received a branded jar of sweets to take back to the office with them, whether they made the leaderboard or not. Meaning that the Chaucer brand also made its way into the companies that brokers worked for and extended it’s reach beyond those taking part.

In addition to all of that, we placed a huge QR code on top of the maze that could be scanned from the office windows of the brokers in the buildings all around the activation and that led people to an online version of the same game.


Our online game followed the same format: Asking three insurance related questions to determine the length of the path, showing participants a bespoke route and timing the speed they could recreate the route with their finger.

Pre-Campaign Teaser Content

Before the activation dates we ran teaser content on Chaucer’s social channels to intrigue people as to what was coming.

Role: Creative Director

Agency: The Producers (part of the PrettyGreen Group)

Lead Designer: Alex Walden

Producer: Sarah Wright