LEGO / Experiential / Leicester Square Reopening

How do you reopen the Leicester Square LEGO store as the biggest one in Europe on the 90th anniversary of LEGO with a big enough bang to make everyone take notice?

By creating a big relaunch event with the same glitz and glamour as the big Hollywood premieres regularly seen in Leicester Square. Our own celebrity minifig Lester rocked up in a BIG red London bus to an event featuring a red carpet, compare, curtain reveal, confetti cannon, 90 year celebratory LEGO cake, music, giveaways and much, much more.

We teased the reopening by getting Lester to escort some builders taking giant LEGO bricks to the Leicester Square store as part of the BIG refurbishment.

Then, on the big day, we gathered the crowds, got everyone in a party mood and relaunched the store in style!

Role: Creative Director

Agency: The Producers (with Mischief and Initiative junior)

Producer: Vicky Elliot

Designer: Leroy Schneider

Artworkers: Lawrence Norman and Ken Brooker