Kenco / Brand Relaunch / We Make Coffee. Simple.

How do you rebrand a global coffee company without resorting to traditional TV spots?

The world of coffee has gotten way too complicated so as lead creatives on the Kenco account we knew we had to keep things super simple.

From our straight-talking tagline, to the fresh and bold visual identity, we stripped things right back to create an integrated campaign that celebrates Kenco as an original, authentic coffee company.

Introducing Kenco The Coffee Company – We Make Coffee. Simple.


Social Media
Utilising existing channels we created an array of engaging content. The simplistic, straight-to-the-point text acts as a window to the complex behind-the-scenes work that Kenco puts into making coffee so simple and helps to take our audience on a journey of Kenco rediscovery.

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With strategically placed online ads we continued to bring the new identity to life, reinforcing Kenco The Coffee Company as authentic coffee connoisseurs by introducing new barista style coffees.

Our beautifully shot press ads hero Kenco experts and their craft, reinforcing that Kenco know coffee, so that you don't have to.


Role: Art Director

Agency: Elvis Communications

Copywriter: Roz Waud

Creative Director: Neale Horrigan

Additional Creatives: Bill Hibbins (Art Director) and Elli Stone (Copywriter)

Design Director: Chris Dorn