Blue Cross / Integrated Campaign

How do we evolve the existing Blue Cross ‘Baxter’ campaign from one of awareness into one that gets people donating?

With a fresh perspective and direct approach that people simply can’t ignore.


Keeping the popular existing TVC as was, we added a strong call to action.

On Radio
We focused of regions and brought to life the plight of unwanted pets in local areas, by asking people to imagine being in their shoes.

We regionalised our outdoor ads, because it’s harder to ignore a problem when it’s happening in your neighbourhood.

With MPUs we told the true stories of pets in need of rehoming and activated online sponsoring.

On Facebook
Geo-targeted carousels highlighted pets in your local area that need your help - with a direct click-through to sponsor them.

Role: Art Director

Agency: Lida

Copywriter: Roz Waud

Creative Director: Vaughan Townsend

Additional Creatives: Liz Brown and Anthea Goodrick